Friday, September 14, 2012

Empowering Minority- Yem

How can a minority group like the Yem people  succeed in life both individually and collectively by keeping good relationship with the Oromo, Amhara, Tigre and other communities in ethiopia? There is no silver bullet formula to success for minorities in any nation. However, one may observe some communalites in other   countries.
Grabbing government power by a  small community like Yem is hard and demand extraordinay wisdom. However, it is a waste of time and money to get a full support from the majority. Hence, the best strategy for this kind of community is to succeed in other sectors.
Succeeding in business , having money , being wealthy , controlling the economy , is the most important area to success for the minority.
Dominating in art like writing books, directing films, innovating new things help minority to get a proper place in the face of the majority.
Stand up and have your own business, innovate something different, write books, direct films promote your culture and earn your dignity. Respect will be earned and will never be given by anybody.

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